530. 272.7287 ncadirector@nccn.net
Neighborhood Center of the Arts
Art • Advocacy • Opportunity

200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945

530. 272.7287  M-F 9-4

Matt Albin

matt albinA good day for Matthew includes painting and dancing, preferably both at the same time. He paints standing up (the better to dance) while he brushes layer after layer of deliberately chosen color upon the canvas. Lately he’s been experimenting with the use of line in his work. His style continues to evolve.

Matthew is one of our best selling artists. HIs work has been exhibited as far afield as New York. 2016 was his year for San Francisco where he had a solo show as well as participated in a group show.

Matthew is well aware the effect his winning smile has on staff and visitors. Add to that his masterful batting of eyelashes and Matthew is indeed, Mr. Personality.


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NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.

Silent Walk

Missile Pop
