530. 272.7287 ncadirector@nccn.net
Neighborhood Center of the Arts
Art • Advocacy • Opportunity

200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945

530. 272.7287  M-F 9-4

Jenny Crowell 

jenny_crowellJenny Crowell started at NCA in 2017. Most of her time here is spent in the clay studio. She prefers hand building process over the wheel and has created a number of plates, platters and vessels. She’s still experimenting and discovering new techniques as she finds her own creative style. Her instructor is quick to praise Jenny’s patient and careful approach to her work.

Jenny is also enrolled in our cooking class where she participates in menu planning, shopping for ingredients and preparing meals. Let’s not forget kitchen cleanup!

Photos of Jenny’s work coming soon.

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NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.