530. 272.7287 ncadirector@nccn.net
Neighborhood Center of the Arts
Art • Advocacy • Opportunity

200 Litton Dr. #212 Grass Valley CA 95945

530. 272.7287  M-F 9-4

Cindy Benson

cindy-bensonMy name is Cindy Benson. I have been coming to NCA since 2005. I really enjoy it here because I make a lot of friends. I enjoy my digital arts class and weaving class. Some of my projects in digital arts are creating greeting cards, bookmarks, and stationery. In weaving I like to make purses and sew squares for quilts. I’m also in clay class and jewelry. In clay I like to make dishes, coasters, totems clocks and beads to use in jewelry. When I earn a paycheck from selling my art I feel pretty good. I don’t work for the money though, I work because it’s fun. So I feel like I get paid to have fun. What I do like is that I learn more and more throughout the year.

I am very proud to have my art displayed at different places around town and in Sacramento.

When you come to NCA it is really inspiring to see what disabled people can do. So come on over and visit us!

Photos of Cindy’s work coming soon!

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NCA is a 501c3 non-profit. We receive funding from California Alta Regional Center as well as grants, foundations, business and individuals like you. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.